Friday, July 22, 2011

Prime Time, Baby!

Sometimes being a student has perks. You can get discounts on movie tickets, your car insurance rates can be lower...and you can get a year of Amazon Prime for free!

Amazon Prime is awesome, and you get all sorts of bonuses for being a member. Normally a year of membership is $79, but if you have a .edu email address you can get one year free, and a second year at half-price!

The best part of Prime, for me, is the free two day shipping! So even though my loan money might not come in until the 13th or so, I can still order the books I need after I get that money and have them in time!

Hey, that's one less expense to put on my credit card!!


  1. hey off subject, but I got my macbook pro yesterday and I was just wondering if you could answer some questions about growly? lol I'm so confused on there!

  2. Sure! I'm happy to help...just send me an email! I can't promise to answer super quickly, as I'm mid-move right now, but I'll get back to you in a few days, at least!
