Thursday, August 25, 2011

Moving Sure Takes a Lot Out of a Girl (Part 1)

Let's do a quick run down of everything that I went through before orientation:

I got a very late start leaving my hometown (not my fault, I swear, thanks mom), and was about thirty seconds from missing my plane. Not an auspicious beginning to my move. Anyway, after arriving at the airport, they told me either I could make my plane and leave my bags, or I could wait for the next plane the next day.

I chose to leave my bags. Duh.

Now, my bags consisted of pretty much everything I had left at my house, and so it was A LOT. And I was concerned that they might not get to Dallas unscathed. Thankfully my bags caught up to me on my layover in Vegas, and so I had the "good fortune" of trying to load these huge boxes and suitcases into my rental car.

The next morning, my dad and I drove to my apartment near campus. It was sooooo frickin' hot in Texas (I mean, it still is, but that week it was 108 or over every day). My dad and I waited for my pod to get delivered, went to Target to pick up a couple of necessities, and then waited for my movers to show way we were carrying that much crap up to the fourth floor!

(For anyone needing a mover in the DFW area, check out His Kingdom Movers. They're super nice, super efficient, and extremely reasonably priced. Can't recommend them enough! It only took them two hours to get an apartment's worth of stuff up three long flights of stairs!)

My dad and I spent the next few days alternately setting up my apartment and shopping for cars. I'd determined that I wanted to lease a 2011 Kia Soul (there was a really solid lease program on), but the only colors left in the entire DFW area were the ugly green and orange ones!

Luckily, they found a car in a color I could stand, and ordered it. But when it got to Dallas it was realized that they had actually already reserved it for someone else. The 2011s aren't being made anymore (since the 2012s are coming out this month), and the 2012s don't have a lease program in place yet. Needless to say, it was a huge waste of time.

Long story short, I decided it wasn't worth my time and worry to try to get a car here and now, so my parents agreed to ship me the car that I drove in high school for my use for the next few months, and then when I go home around Christmas we'll see how it's doing and if I even drive enough to warrant getting a newer car.

Le sigh. What's a (broke law student) girl to do?

To be continued...

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