Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm in a Glass Case of (Stress) Emotion!

I know that it's been (gasp) almost a whole week since I've updated here. There's a good reason for that, I promise you: I've been sooooo insanely busy with everything in my life that I literally haven't had a half hour to myself that didn't have something to be done in.

I guess I'd better get used to the feeling before next year, right?

Well, aside from being so busy -- or maybe because I've been so busy -- I've been incredibly stressed about the impending move and all of the worries that go along with it. I've been trying to book my flight to Dallas at the end of June to find an apartment, trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my car, what I'm going to do with my furniture, how I'm going to move all of my stuff 1400 miles, how to go about applying for student loans, how I'm going to pay for everything, etc. etc. etc. I've also begun the process of targeting firms for 1L SA positions, getting a mail merge ready (where it's needed) and figuring out cover letters and resumes, since I know I won't have time come November.

My head's going to explode one of these days.

And because I was seriously so stressed about all of the things I just mentioned, plus a couple of things in my personal and work lives that have hit snags, I kiiiiiiiiind of had a mini-meltdown late last week. I cried and vented and pondered aloud, and then when it was done and I had prayed about it, I came away with a much clearer head about the whole thing.

I mean, yeah, I still have a CRAPLOAD of things to figure out, but I just have to take things one at a time, and I trust that everything will work out the way it's supposed to.

So, yeah. That's what I've been doing. I'll get back on the updating train soon, I promise.

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