Monday, May 16, 2011

SMU Dedman School of Law - Photo Update

So, a really common request I've had has been to update my blog/facebook/TLS with pictures from my visit to Dallas and SMU at the beginning of April for the ASD. Unfortunately, the camera I took with me to Dallas happened to be the camera that I had lost my cable for, so I was unable to do anything with the pictures once I took them but look at them on the tiny little camera screen.

But, by the miracle of eBay, I was able to find my camera cable for $2.98 (shipped), and it arrived yesterday! Which means...


I've added a new photo album to my FB with all of my photos from the trip, but I'll share a couple of the favorites with you here. You can also check out my Flickr set to see the whole SMU trip. Without further photos!

I just had to snap it as I was driving past. DDD Represent!

The walk from the Law Student parking garage onto the law quad

Still set up from Hamburger Man, the first view of the quad and rotunda. 

Another of the rotunda

This is the building where we sat in on classes

A small class room

A larger classroom (from the back)

Same classroom, from the front

Another shot from the front

View from Florence Hall to the Law Library

Lawyers Inn

Focal point of undergrad campus

Back entrance to the school


  1. THANK YOU!!! ive been patiently waiting for these : )

  2. I know!!! I'm sorry it took so long, hope you enjoy them -- head over to my flickr for more photos!
