Monday, April 25, 2011

Another One Bites The Dust

...another item off of my checklist, that is!

I have a beautiful, very well organized planner. It' s pretty, pink (Lilly Pulitzer), and the perfect size...not too small, but not so big that it doesn't fit easily in whatever purse I happen to be carrying that day (although please note: I tend to carry large purses). I got in the habit of carrying a fairly detailed planner in college, and while I have significantly less to do during this "off" period in my life, I just couldn't quite manage to break the habit.

So, I've kept it up. And I think that will definitely be helpful for 1L.

But, I digress. Late last week I caught myself updating my planner for the next month, and penning in to the last week of May, "Pay 2nd Seat Deposit at SMU." SMU's second seat deposit is due by June 1, for those who are unaware, so I calendared it a week out to make sure that I had plenty of time to get it done.

And then I thought to myself, "Doesn't my crazy Guatemalan mother always say, 'Never put off till tomorrow what you could do today,' like, every day? Clearly, I should follow this advice." I never aspired to be Scarlett O'Hara. I have no problem doing something today rather than next month. There was no reason for me to wait until June to pay my deposit. I'm committed 100% to SMU.

And so I paid my second deposit online. And crossed one more thing out of my planner (and off of my to-do list).

I love getting things accomplished.


  1. hey! If you dont mind, could you email me some things that you did that helped SMU admit you? Like for example, constant contact with admissions, multiple visit.. ECT.. you can email me at


  2. I would love to, but I'm afraid I didn't do any of that stuff! Literally all I did was send in my application with the same Personal Statement and LOR's as my app to every other school...
