Thursday, February 17, 2011

Scholarship Negotiation

One thing that I will be trying for the first time in the upcoming weeks will be the nerve-wracking, diplomacy-laced waiting game known as "Scholarship Negotiation."

While there is this notion that all scholarship offers are the final, best offers a school can give you, this is simply not true. In many cases, there is a little "wiggle room" for potential students to try and get some more money out of a school, given that they have something to bargain with.

Well, it's not called a "Scholarship Handover."

I have received a decent scholarship at Santa Clara, renewable as long as I stay in the top 25%, and Santa Clara has long been my top choice for a law school. It places really well in my hometown and I feel like I would get a very good education there, not to mention being in a great area for three years.

But given that I've gotten more money from higher ranked schools in areas with lower costs of living, I've decided that it might be prudent for me to ask Santa Clara to reconsider my offer, and see if they can increase it at all. The worst they can do is say no, right?

So I'm going to send them a nice email (directed to the person who signed my original scholarship letter), and then wait. The problem is, I want the email to sound resolute without being agressive, and nice without being pandering, and polite without being passive. It's a tricky situation! (Definitely Goldie-Hawn-in-Protocol worthy).

Once I've got the final draft of the email done, I'll post it here as a format guide, but I still want to have a few more people look at it -- my dad and another potential law student. But keep your fingers crossed for me!

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